The design grows out of the context vertically to interact with the universal landscape - the sky.
Typology Mixed-Use
Team Ramanathan Ramasamy
Area 6,500 sq.ft
Status Un-built
Given a busy industrial context, the design intent was to create an introverted dwelling with a strong micro context developed within the boundary. The volumes are an abstract form of a south Indian temple tower to represent an interesting skyline within an empty local context. The volumes are light wells focusing towards the east light to bring in the divine rays within the spaces to enhance the user experience.
The primary axis connects the foyer, courtyard, living and the kitchen. An incremental growth of spaces travels through open, semi-open and closed volumes. The living acts as a primary anchor for all the activities pivoting around it. A congregation and a destination defined by the light well. Located on the east-west axis, the Pooja is a grabhagraha floating in between the water body. The living acts as a mandapa and the corridor as a prahara. The private spaces will harvest the divine east light.
The linear site was divided into eight grids, these grids are anchored by circular courts to regulate the spaces around the court.
The morning light slowly creeping into the bedroom to orchestrate a beautiful play throughout the day and frames the sky all night
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